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Today, I am going to introduce Tokyo!

Tokyo (東京) is Japan's capital and the world's most populous metropolis. 
It is also one of Japan's fourty seven prefectures, consisting of twenty three central city wards and multiple cities, towns and villages west of the city center. 
The Izu and Ogasawara Islands are also part of Tokyo.

Today, Tokyo offers a seemingly unlimited choice of shopping, entertainment, culture and dining to its visitors.

Tokyo Sky Tree




  1. Hi Yuji! I am also from Tokyo, so I enjoyed your blog! I want foreign people to know about Japan more. Great job!

  2. This is great! I plan to one day visit Japan and who bette to get information from then someone who has grown up there. looking forward to reading your blogs as Im sure that it'll influence my trip to Japan.

  3. This is really exciting since I am currently staying in Tokyo right now! I'm not new to the area however, as I used to visit almost one every year (sometimes even more!), but I spent a lot of the time traveling in Japan with my mom. I think it would be more exciting to explore Tokyo as a college student with friends. I look forward to your posts!



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