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Japanese Tea

Today, I am going to share about Japanese tea.

Tea is the most commonly drunk beverage in Japan and an important part of Japanese food culture.

Various types of tea are widely available and consumed at any point of the day. 

The main varieties of tea that are popularly consumed in Japan are:

Green tea

Green tea is the most common type of tea.


Matcha is the form of green tea that is used in the tea ceremony.


Hojicha is processed by roasting the tea leaves, which gives the leaves their characteristic reddish-brown color. 


Genmai is brown rice. Genmai grains are roasted and mixed with tea leaves to produce Genmaicha. 


Mugicha is made by infusing roasted barley into water. The drink is popularly served cold in summer.


  1. Hi Yuji!
    I really like Japanese tea and I usually drink hojicha with eating sushi when I was in Japan xD
    I often make mugicha and drink it in Hawaii.
    When I gave Japanese tea to my hostfamily, they were glad to receive them ;)



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